Saturday, February 06, 2010 , 10:22 PM

moved to

I am a copycat :D

Thursday, January 28, 2010 , 7:41 PM

So the 3 weeks are finally up and my cast has been removed, replaced with a splint. My fears proved to be justified when I saw what has become of my arm, muscle gone and all. It still hurts to straighten my arm because my muscles have been inactive for 3 weeks plus and the elbow joint is probably stiff as well. Thankfully I am now a little more able to write.

The first month of 2010 has been such a strange one. Although I've been mostly inactive and bumming around at home, certain aspects of my life have changed considerably. But recently I've been facing more insecurity again, and my broken wrist has not helped at all.

Anyway it's dinner time. Take care peeps.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 , 12:57 AM

I spent a good part of the last hour reading my posts from 2007. I was such a funny blogger oh my goodness! Lame, but entertaining no doubt. I mean seriously, my posts were picture-ful and stuff. Ok I shall try to regain my awesome blogging skills. I bet Nicole had a big part in it. All her fault la. Zz.

Friday, January 01, 2010 , 11:30 AM

So the new year has arrived! happy new year! How time flies, jc life is already over. Well I already have 1 new experience in the new year, having fractured my wrist. This happened while playing basketball on the 30th of December, and now i am typing with my left hand and right middle finger. Follow up appointment with the doctor is on the 7th of Jan.

The wrist kinda disrupts a lot of my plans, things that I had already spent a long time preparing myself for. And now I have a new anxiety, not knowing what is going to happen. In that last sentence, I think i used my left shift key for the first time in my life.

For example, I was quite set on enlisting in Feb, ORD-ing in December 2011 in time for christmas and the holiday season. That doesn't seem too likely now. I was even prepared to be garang and try to go to OCS. That may still happen if my enlistment simply gets pushed back. Other nuances include losing muscle mass due to the cast, and I can't exactly gym much with a fractured wrist either. I also can't drum nor play fast computer games and such. But I believe that God has a purpose in everything, and even if nothing good comes out of this I will definitely learn to appreciate having a normal functional limb, something that many people around the world don't have. And guys, treasure your baths. Because when you get a cast showering is such a hassle.

With a new year comes new pressures, new goals, new relationships. I'd be lying if I said that at this point I wasn't interested in relationships. Some people know my predicament. It's something I never quite felt before, in a protective sense, yet one that is selfish. Just the thought of there being someone else, worse yet in a physical relationship, makes me sick inside. The thought torments me, and if it were to happen I'm quite confident I would be torn apart. And for this reason I feel helpless, powerless. I fear it so much but cannot bring myself to do anything about it because I choose to honour God first. Or rather I want to honour God first. Perhaps I shall have a chat with Matt. Mighty matt. How do you hold on but let go at the same time? Again, I'll just have to trust God to lead me where he knows is best. Matthew 6:33 - but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.

That said, friends, there is so much to look forward to this year. As we all go our different ways, be it army or uni or whatever, I hope we will all still stay close and not forget every year before that we've had.

Thursday, November 26, 2009 , 10:28 PM

And after a long long hiatus A levels are almost over. It's been an awesome journey and as I very much expected the 3 weeks passed extremely quickly. That was it guys! That short span of nonsense papers was what you spent the last 3 months stressing over. And now its over! YAY!

Spent Monday and Tuesday out watching movies, today was my first full day at home and it was really boring. Class party tmr at Liz's, should be very fun.

Sunday, October 18, 2009 , 9:35 PM
Much has happened

Well this post is probably going to be a very long one. Probably. Much has happened since I last posted, the highlights of which include Yiling and Gail joining the aunty club, WeiXian earning a right to be in the museum of natural history, and me finally graduating from 12 years of ACS.

My prelim results after moderation ended up as

A for Bio
A for Chem
A for Math
B for General Paper
D for Econs

And F for spelling.

I shall now proceed to reflect on my 2 years in JC, particularly this year. First of all, I'm really really thankful for the class of SC1 that I was/am so privileged to be a part of. I can't imagine my JC life in any other class, and all the experiences, good and bad will be remembered dearly till my mind requires the space for other things. I can't (ok I actually can) believe that our (almost) 2 years has passed so quickly. In my opinion JC2 was really the nicer half of JC altogether. It may have to do with the lack of CCA since July, or the fixed class venue which is also so awesome (I LUBX YOUZ F4.1), but I think that it's probably just how our class identity and personality had developed after a year.

I think we're really really fortunate to be blessed with facebook and the like, which make storing photographic memories so easy. Generations of students in the past graduated and probably only had at the most one album of photos to remember each other by, photos that would fade over time. We, on the other hand, have the almighty facebook which knows no limitations for everyone knows that the internet is infallible (note sarcasm). Yes, I will one day look back at these photos and wonder to myself "My, how slim I was back then", and proceed to pat my tummy that would have grown over years of (hopefully) joyous marriage. Future generations of sconers will also look at our class photos and envy that our class was blessed with the awesome Men of Scone and the rest of the beautiful ladies. They will laugh and gape at youthful photos of seasoned prime minister Amanda Ang.

Honestly, SC1 would not have been the same if not for each and every one's personality and character. Zoe's "maniacal" laugher (quoting Grace), Lydia's weird and humorous antics, Amanda choo's cacophonous/beautiful singing and exclamations of BOMBOM好CUTEAH, Joelle's liposuction thing, Alon's pinoyness, Fern's unusual knowledge and liking of songs from 1970-1995, Ian Yang's hotness, Wei's retarded jokes, Amanda Ang's messages to econs mdm, the collective choir girls' singing, Chin's taitainess, Yi Ling's public transport is bad rule, Dora(speaks for itself), Jiayi's weird lesbian-ness, Peiyan's china music, Li Lin's Shrek zoo, Liz's lack of exercise, Sandra's bimboness, Mae's artsy-fartsy-is-so-frikin-coolness, Anne's really really deep speeches and ginseng thing. I can't think of anything strange about Chye and Jane, which makes them the most normal I suppose. Feel free to add to the list.

A year ago, I had probably just gotten back from CCAAB. While many things have changed since then, I don't in any way regret my decisions. Well ok I do some, but overall no. At CCAAB dinner last year, I wrote 10 things that I would have accomplished by October-something-2009. Of these 10, 2 had to do with basketball. Of the remaining 8, I am fairly proud that I have more or less accomplished 6. These include passing chinese :D

Ok I feel like doing other things now, so good luck to all my hao pen you who are studying hard for A levels, and remember that this is but a small fragment of the line that will be our life. While it may affect our future largely, I'm quite certain that years down the road we will all look back and laugh at how insignificant A's were, whether our results are good or bad. The important thing is that we formed strong friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime, and that is something that we can be happy about.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 , 10:35 PM

So today was totally awesome! Friends baked me a super nice fattening rich oreo-cheesecake that I think everyone enjoyed a lot. Had dinner at Holland V and yup just a perfect birthday today! And no cake in face!

So thanks to everyone who wished me and made my 18th birthday such a special one